Super Simple Songs 美國超級簡單童謠專輯(整套CD3片一組)哪裡買最便宜.心得文.試用文.分享文.分享推薦.好用.推薦.評價.熱銷.開箱文.優缺點比較

?@最近想送????????`§?~,發現Super Simple Songs 美國超級簡單童謠專輯(整套CD3片一組)

, 很多人推薦,想說Super Simple Songs 美國超級簡單童謠專輯(整套CD3片一組)????一定很???w,於是在???購物就買了Super Simple Songs 美國超級簡單童謠專輯(整套CD3片一組)








?01.?Knock Knock Hello ?打招呼 ???

?02.?Make A Circle ?圈圈遊戲 ???

?03.?Seven Steps ?練習數數1-7, 以及反過來念7-1???

?04.?One Little Finger ?認識身體的部位以及練習上面/下面 ???

?05.?Walking Walking ?在圈圈律動, 以及認識動詞 ???

?06.?Are You Hungry? ?認識食物以及問答是否肚子餓”Are you hungry?' ???

?07.?Clean Up! ?打掃時間的歌曲 ???

?08.?If You're Happy ?表達情感以及動作的歌曲 ???

?09.?Days Of The Week ?認識星期一到星期天的英文 ???

?10.?I See Something Blue ?認識藍色以及尋找周遭是藍色的物件 ???

?11.?I See Something Pink ?認識粉紅色, 以及尋找周遭是粉紅色的物件 ???

?12.?Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Learn It) ?認識身體的部位 (認識)???

?13.?Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Sing It) ?認識身體的部位.(歌唱) ???

?14.?Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Speeding Up) ?認識身體的部位(快板). ???

?15.?Ten In The Bed ?從10倒數到1 以及翻滾的英文Roll over ???

?16.?The Bath Song ?認識身體的部位以及問答 “Can you…” ???

?17.?Five Little Monkeys ?倒數5-1. 'No more...' ???

?18.?The Alphabet Song (Learn It) ?認識字母 A-Z, 慢板. ???

?19.?The Alphabet Song (Sing It) ?認識字母 A-Z 正常版. ???

?20.?Go Away! ?趕走害怕的東西GO AWAY! ???

?21.?What Do You Want For Christmas? ?玩具以及問答 'What do you want?' ???

?22.?Put On Your Shoes ?認識衣物以及整裝. ???

?23.?See You Later ?再見歌???

?24.?Please Sit Down And Storytime Music ?可安穩情緒以及背景音樂 ???

?25.?Sweet Dreams (Goodnight Song) ?晚安歌 ???

?26.?Lullaby Medley* ?輕音樂(無歌唱) ???

????Plus Sing-along Tracks!?




?01.?Hello! ?'Hello.' 以及問答 'How are you?' ???

?02.?Count And Move ?從1數到20以及律動 ???

?03.?How's The Weather? ?練習問答天氣如何'How's the weather?' ???

?04.?One Potato, Two Potatoes ?數數 ???

?05.?Eeney Meeney Miney Moe (Choosing Rhyme) ? 韻詞???

?06.?The Eensey Weensey Spider ?經典手指搖 ???

?07.?Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay #1 ?透過手指搖學習新字彙 ???

?08.?Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay #2 ?手指搖 ???

?09.?Who Took the Cookie? ?簡單的韻腳及英文聲調 ???

?10.?The Wheels On The Bus (Learn It) ?經典兒歌???

?11.?The Wheels On The Bus (Sing It) ?經典兒歌???

?12.?Uh-huh ?練習表達yes and no. ???

?13.?The Shape Song #1 ?認識形狀以及在周遭找尋形狀 ???

?14.?The Shape Song #2 ?認識形狀以及在周遭找尋形狀???

?15.?Counting Bananas ?從1數到20???

?16.?The Hokey Pokey Shake (Learn It) ?簡單的指示(身體部位) ???

?17.?The Hokey Pokey Shake (Sing It) ?簡單的指示及有趣的動作 ???

?18.?Mystery Box ?神奇盒子遊戲. ???

?19.?Hide And Seek ?躲貓貓遊戲. ???

?20.?Count Down And Move ?從20數到1. ???

?21.?See You Later, Alligator ?再見歌 'See you later!' ???

?22.?Lullaby Medley* ?輕音樂(無歌唱) ???

????Plus Sing-along Tracks!?



?01.?Hello Hello! ?'Hello,' 歌???

?02.?Open Shut Them (and Other Opposites) ?相反詞手指搖 - big/small, fast/slow, peek-a-boo! ???

?03.?BINGO (Learn It) ?經典歌謠 ???

?04.?BINGO (Play With It) ?經典歌謠. ???

?05.?We All Fall Down ?律動歌謠 ???

?06.?Rain Rain Go Away (Learn It) ?雨天有關的手指搖. ???

?07.?Rain Rain Go Away (Play With It) ?雨天有關的手指搖. ???

?08.?Old McDonald (Learn It) ?農場動物. ???

?09.?Old McDonald (Play With It) ?農場動物的聲音以及問答, 'What sound does a ___ make?' ???

?10.?Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? ?食物以及問答, 'Do you like.....?' Yes and no. ???

?11.?Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt? ?食物以及問答, 'Do you like.....?' Yes and no. ???

?12.?The Pinocchio ?認識身體部位以及律動. ???

?13.?Five Little Pumpkins ?數數1-5???

?14.?Skidamarink ?'我愛你.' 以及認識一天的時間. ???

?15.?Happy Birthday (How Old Are You Today?) ?'生日快樂.' 問答練習 'How old are you?' ???

?16.?Say Cheese! (Let's Take A Picture) ?練習集合起來拍照, 有趣的姿勢練習???

?17.?The Alphabet Chant ?A-Z, 且有加快板 ???

?18.?The Months Chant ?1-12月份 ???

?19.?Bye Bye Goodbye ?再見歌 ???

?20.?Lullaby Medley* ?所有曲目的音樂版本(無歌唱) ???

????Plus Sing-along Tracks!?


Super Simple Songs 美國超級簡單童謠專輯(整套CD3片一組)評鑑,Super Simple Songs 美國超級簡單童謠專輯(整套CD3片一組)評測,Super Simple Songs 美國超級簡單童謠專輯(整套CD3片一組)心得文,Super Simple Songs 美國超級簡單童謠專輯(整套CD3片一組)優缺點比較,Super Simple Songs 美國超級簡單童謠專輯(整套CD3片一組)促銷商品,Super Simple Songs 美國超級簡單童謠專輯(整套CD3片一組)網友最愛商品,Super Simple Songs 美國超級簡單童謠專輯(整套CD3片一組)超值商品

Super Simple Songs 美國超級簡單童謠專輯(整套CD3片一組)產品的圖文皆引用自??????,圖文所有權皆為原所有權人所有,價格和內容如有變化依??????網為主



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